That old discussion about Middletown and silversnake


it wasnt messed up what was you members doing at the time of battle waiting not working for stuff for the fort i just wasted all your allies time while we build, build, build

I guess the plan was the same thing for the first fort battle as well huh?


That is, despite most of you being KO'd and needing to rest an hour or 2 to have the energy to do anything. But you're right, jokes on us-you got us. Shame on us.


it wasnt messed up what was you members doing at the time of battle waiting not working for stuff for the fort i just wasted all your allies time while we build, build, build

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new fort war strategy: spam a bunch of fake attacks then follow it up with a real one (now why does this strategy seem so familiar :eek:hmy:)

I'm not gonna lie, I lol'd at both those statements. Tom just got +5 in my book.

Whoever declared an attack on the second fort messed up big

I also like how Gaffey's plan to distract us so they could build was so well disguised that even his own Federation members didn't know about it... even those who are workers. (I like you by the way Markus, you've got a good head on your shoulders.)


That is, despite most of you being KO'd and needing to rest an hour or 2 to have the energy to do anything. But you're right, jokes on us-you got us. Shame on us.

I was just going to say that having our 60 or so members of our town KOd compared to the 5-6 (I didnt count) members from Middleton probably makes up for the dismal amount of hours lost by our fake attack. I feel bad for the few steers/ players lead to the slaughterhouse who decided to join in on that second fake attack, which I think most people were convinced was real. Either that or I was exempted from the memo that notified everyone of the secret tactic. I thought I was in your list of people to telegram Gaffey, what happened! :)

Anyways, I actually had fun in the first battle because not many people were on so I was able to survive till the 9th round (which is pathetic to say that is an accomplishment haha) by hanging in the back and not rushing stupidly towards any huddles of people lol.
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That last one was a fake battle eh? Kinda offended that I was asked to join it to be honest! lol. Lucky I missed it. Can anyone tell me how many people were on each side for that battle?

Edit: How many Silversnake people were in that battle* and how many defenders
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Fort Location : Middleton
Date : 2009-07-25 4:49 PM
TotalAttacker : 70 players (60 of them was from SSF)
TotalDefender : 128 players

Fort Location: Middleton Stance
Date : 2009-07-25 9:22 PM
TotalAttacker : 10 players (!) ( 2 of them was from SSF)
TotalDefender : 81 players

There were virtually no action from the attacker-side in both battles.

Previous fort battle in Star Country was much better, 128 vs 128 AND around 100 spectators (inc me :mad:) that missed the battle 'coz there was no more available slot.


I stopped posting here because half of my posts got deleted! :sad:

But I`ll do it for once again. If you have questions and querries feel free to send me a tele in game!

1. Middleton hasn`t initiated an attack on a fort yet!
2. This are the two attacks initiated from SS

Fort is under attack: Middleton On 7/24/09 at 4:30 PM
A battle has been initiated against the fort Middleton. khiar from silversnake fort has dug up the hatchet.

Fort is under attack: Middleton Stance On 7/24/09 at 9:15 PM
A battle has been initiated against the fort Middleton Stance. gaffey from Silversnake Pass has dug up the hatchet.

- Silversnake has around 300 members nearby... easily enough to get 128 for the two battles!
- I think gaffey hasn`t known himself that his dear fellows announced an attack on the big fort or he has too much money to spend!
- To call it a fake attack is hillarious as some Allies showed up! This is just rubbish and makes no sense... and in between... lost hours :) One can sleep in the fort and regenerate Energy and HP and participate in the battle automaticly (Say thanks for the hint ;))

I think the organization of the "Federation" lacks! A leader who is not able to mobilize and coordinate his own members and afterwards calls it a fake attack makes me smile. Hope you guys will be soon be out of your KO`s!!!
During the time I spent in SSC this town was a powerhouse... but if I take a look at the saloon now... barely anybody to hit!

Marco is right: Qualtiy before Quantity and reliability before big words! ;)

See you snakeys on the field. I take your challenge and won`t hide in the hotel!

Cheers and god bless the bloody snake!:p
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Yesterday i was appointed by Gaffey to handle all diplomatic areas for Silversnake, including making new alliances and handling current relationships. I devised a huge new system that could potentially bring SS back to a position of power, as the new system I created will add communication, which as Venus just mentioned, we are clearly lacking. So you know what Gaffey did? He took all of my work, did not even change a word, added his name to the bottom of it and sent out that telegram to all of the leaders of SS, claiming the ideas were unique and his own.

That is probably the most dishonorable thing ever to have taken place on world 9/ in the history of the west. Now I know why plagerism is so highly attacked in the school system!

You can tell that Gaffey wrote the last portion, as in his title, because he even spells president wrong (Perisdent), showing that clearly he spent alot of time to check 'his' work.

Im not going to be a part of a federation that has a thief as its leader, trying to elevate his respect by stealing the work of others. Additionally, this same 'leader' has also called two terrible attacks, making a mockery of the SS empire and has failed to bond the empire together, as shown by the poor showing from the 300 plus members of SS. I agree completely with all that Venus has to say.

As of now, I am calling for Gaffey's resignation and I want someone, who can fluently communicate their thoughts and is able to bring SS together, unlike Gaffey, to take the reigns and bring this once powerful nation back to glory.

With leaders like him at the helm, this downward spiral will not be over anytime soon.


*Daija claps as Markus steps down from the podium and slowly raises a sign that reads:*

The Middleton Township is currently recruiting!


Have you got more of these ideas? Or is it wrong to have some in the first place?...- I like it to see that snakelike behaviour so apparent! :D

Besides: What have you done right if I may ask?

I`m clueless after all these "ideas".... (rolls off the chair laughing)

DeletedUser take the reigns and bring this once powerful nation back to glory.

You know, the higher you are they say, the harder the fall.

I'm not sure that a fall from the front porch of a low-rent duplex on a slab is a place of glory from which you could return. Return you may, but the use of the term glory is greatly misapplied.

What has SSF ever had besides gobbling up towns, and repeatedly KOing adventurers and workers? When workers are like women and children in this game, its the equivalent of what you are boasting.

"We used to be this glorious town that repeatedly beat up on women and children."


Hey gaffeyboy, why have you deleted your post??? Is this the way you handle things? I liked your apology for not planning the second attack propper and for taking the "ideas" of markusmaximus... Please stand to your words! Hope you are more honest with your federation mates!


Yep, had faith in him and thought he`d turn out fine... even wrote him a tele ingame and wished him the best for his new post!... but the hec... good I got my new sword today... back to the old days, the bad days, the all or nothing days :)
SK had after all honour, humour and stood to his actions! But what can one expect from a snake???


Ahh yes, Gaffey is brilliant... after my last attack on him he ran away to a town nearly 6 hours (well 3 hours with a quarterhorse) away from Middleton. I wonder, who made him leader of SSF in fact? I mean, even for SSF he is a bit too much seemingly...


Zaphod, Im thinking the same thing. I think he just pronounced himself the new SS leader! Here I am thinking to myself, "In an empire filled with plenty of level 50+ players and experienced duelers we have a level 36 amature leading us?? Does this make sense?"

So with that being said, I am now the new SS leader.

BIG JK, you need to get voted into that 'prestigious' position. Just ask Gaffey, he will tell you all about how he got elected into his spot.

Wait... no he wont, Ive asked him repeatedly and he keeps dodging the question!


LOL Markus, you'd be the 3rd to claim to be the leader of your people in the past week (or 10 days I'd have to find the first fellow's telegram to be sure.) I found the level a bit odd as well, granted my township has loads of folks higher than myself ;)

I wish I'd seen Gaffey's post, I was incredibly confused when I read Venus' but I figured I'd missed something - and I was right!

As for Gaffey's ascension to leadership, I was under impression (although I can't find the tele at the moment) that he was handpicked by SK himself, and that the founders of the SSF had agreed to his new role.

Handpicked by SK should have been the first tip off there'd be trouble lol

New rule for Venus, always use quotes! ;)


seems like Silvardo kid is like Alexander The Great. they both built up these mighty empires, but then died (or left he game) and the empire crumbled.

If i remember my history lessons at school, once Alexander The Great died, his generals faught over who was the rightful heir the the empire. i see this is already happening to the SSF.

then the Empire devided into different nations, all at war with the other. If the SSF doesn't sort its self out soon, history will repeat it's self.

and who is the leader anyway? to my knowlage it is Gaffey, but now i'm not sure. i hear he was VOTED in, but with so many people against him, i doubt he was.:dry:


Yah Gaffey is the leader. I dont think that there is a fight for the top spot. So far, only one imposter claiming to be the leader and than my joke that I am the new president, which is a very funny claim because I dont know if I would want that job. SS will stay together... A change in leadership will not cause a huge war as not enough SS people care enough about the empire to even want to war over a leader.

The SS mentality, from the position of someone who is one the inside, is that of 'who cares'?

My towns forum is dead and communication between towns is non-existent. I do agree though that it hurts to lose your big leader. I feel like I am the only person doing anything to try to help SS, which is frustrating.


I now pronounce myself emperor of world 9 for life! All shall love me and despair! :p


SSF would have actually had to be a great empire at one time. It wasn't. And right now-its just lower than it had been.