W12 Alliances


inviting a town to your fort is more or less like an alliance so there will be alliances. old friends from different worlds will team up so it wont be alliance free



Just would be to good to be true if there was no alliances


Why even start this topic.. not to be mean, but do we really want to encourage the big alliances to come into this world?? Maybe we can have an alliance-less world.
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Why wouldn't you want big alliances? Big alliances are fun :)


True Alliances ar OK but so hard to find

Interesting statement.

Would you not say that alliances come in all different types and styles, and therefore eventually you might join an alliance that suits your needs?

For me, I like an alliance that has the ability to communicate via external to the game forums, as the primary means of talking to members (as not everyone lives in the same time zone and has the same free time), has IRC for real time discussion, and a community spirit to encourage all members to participate (in fact any member that does not participate gets removed from the alliance).

Ideally, all members live in the same timezone and all speak a common language.

Leadership of the alliance discuss with membership ideas for growth of the towns, etc.

Lastly, the leadership seek membership approval before starting any wars!

Anyone got one of those alliances?



ya, fun to kill. MUAHAHAHA
I second that..
Ya know what, let's see how many big alliances we can get in W12.. ;)

Any who just thought I'd throw my 2¢ out here:
Most big alliances seem sort of.. empty. Alliances are fine if they are done well and kept small. What I mean is no more than say.. 5-10 towns, making sure not to overload the roster of towns.. Like for example having 1 maxed town (or even none) with a bunch of towns below say 10,000 points. They should have the builders focused on just a few towns at a time. Juss sayin'. :)


I hope it turns out like world 11, I like how there's not really alot of HUGE alliances in that world.


yep, W 10 have huge alliances :laugh:
Any idea about alliance in W12???? Guys?


I'm willing to go no alliance!!And I'm going to be a ninja soldier builder.
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