Wall of Shame


I don't know if this has been done before but how about this thread being a place for builders/explorers who aren't duelling to post who has been bullying them? A sort of "Wanted" poster. Obviously there will be no reward other than the satisfaction of a bully being spanked by a bigger fish helping out the smaller guys. If you can post the names involved and the result that would help.

What do you think? Good idea/bad idea? :unsure:


Usually we find in these sorts of threads that whomever is getting bullied has sent harassing telegrams to the 'bully' and sort of deserves it.


Well attacking builders is a no-no in my book unless they have duelling XP raised. It's the peaceful builders that I'm thinking of. I've seen it happen and some people really just don't care. Their town council can't even rein them in!


There's nothing wrong with dueling builders in my opinion thay chose to be that class.


Usually we find in these sorts of threads that whomever is getting bullied has sent harassing telegrams to the 'bully' and sort of deserves it.

Thats happened before sure-but I wouldn't classify or characterize that as the norm on W9. Theres just too many freeloading duelers that fight nothing but pure builders/adventurers.


Well attacking builders is a no-no in my book unless they have duelling XP raised. It's the peaceful builders that I'm thinking of. I've seen it happen and some people really just don't care. Their town council can't even rein them in!

Your "book" does not dictate type of play for the other players.


Thats happened before sure-but I wouldn't classify or characterize that as the norm on W9. Theres just too many freeloading duelers that fight nothing but pure builders/adventurers.
I really doubt w9 is that different from the other 8 worlds. Workers are not completely helpless and there is no game rule that they can't be dueled. I have a builder on one world and I don't get dueled that often, even when we've been in a war and even with a crazed town leader after me. What I have seen plenty of is builders that get hit once and send ranting and raving messages to the dueler over and over again calling them all sorts of names. It's a game, everyone is a target. It's also not up to players to decide which players are freeloading and only duel workers. You have no idea who someone else duels. The most you could possibly know is who they duel in your town/alliance.


Only people I send ranting and raving messages to are those that KO me for absolutely no reason (when they're not gaining any $, or even anything better than average xp).

Recently, their excuse has been "You have a fort weapon, you're a combatant in my book". FML


Lol. I'm sorry that made me laugh. They actually used that as an excuse? I hope you sent your duelers after those players. Or better yet, attack their fort. :D


Its easy enough to tell by win percentages Denisero-coupled with the fact they hit all of our workers when they stop by-yet never hit a fighter.

Its not like they go to the next town and change their ways.

Every worlds different from 1 to the next, and yet-they are all fairly similar since we play the same game.

I have plenty of workers in my town that get repeatedly attacked/bullied without ever sending that type of PM.

Sorry you seem to only find crybaby workers in this game.


As I have a builder and I don't attack builders I've never had to deal with a crybaby worker. I have been on the forums for 9 months and seen many many posts from workers asking for help against a bully and then the bully comes and tells their side and its always the same. Repetitive, numerous, abusive messages sent to the dueler.

The point of the thread is for workers to post the names of those that are bullying them. What I'm trying to say is there are 2 sides to every story. So unless the 'bullys' can give their side then anybody can get on here and say anything they like about another player...and do.


I think the above scenario more or less defines the maturity of the player with how they handle something. I think any dueler/fighter that goes after builders/non-armed adventurers is a freeloader-whether they are his/her only target or not.

I personally don't mind a thread that lists these freeloaders. I am a fighter that wouldn't mind the reasons to chase someone down. Whether they squabbled or not in pms prior I could care less.


As I have a builder and I don't attack builders I've never had to deal with a crybaby worker. I have been on the forums for 9 months and seen many many posts from workers asking for help against a bully and then the bully comes and tells their side and its always the same. Repetitive, numerous, abusive messages sent to the dueler.

The point of the thread is for workers to post the names of those that are bullying them. What I'm trying to say is there are 2 sides to every story. So unless the 'bullys' can give their side then anybody can get on here and say anything they like about another player...and do.

I fail to see why a builder with level duelling level would send any abusive messages to a dueller/soldier unless he was getting picked on. That was my point. I'm talking about non-duelling workers.
Bullying them sucks in my book and like I said, posting names means we can check the duelling level of the builder.


I am not a builder in W9 but am in others including W1 where I have been a builder since they created classes. My builders in each world, while not winning many duels have the stamina to withstand them. My whimpy adventurer can't. Where are the threads for adventurers to whine about being dueled. My adventurer does more cash jobs to raise money for her town. Eventually I will respec to resist duelers but until then, I, at least, have a comfy bed to sleep it off.

There is a social aspect to this game. Find an active town whose gunfighters can intimidate players into leaving you alone, or make friends with active players that will retaliate for you. I have used a "hired gun" to make duelers leave my builder alone. Those tool boxes stacked up in your inventory are great payment to a duelers fort.


Onyx-theres not a good game mechanic right now to allow for towns to actively do that.

If they could make a Sherriff's office, that would list recent duels to take place, and create bounties for known attackers, I think that would be a great way to handle it, but it doesn't happen that way, and I don't like the fact that small guys have to feel like joining a larger established town to get safety.


Been suggested in Ideas and Brainfarts several times and gets shot down at least half the time for being too exploitable. Like Onyx said, get your town's duellers and soldiers to do that for you, or make other contacts. This game is based on teamwork.