level 99


congrats walle888 ... :p:p:p :mad: someday he attack me with Precise Peacemaker in level 62 ( premium and soldier 6 levels )and ko me and i had only 38 levels :mad: then i decide for leave silversnake for far away and working hard for someday reach higher level than him and i can do that :rolleyes:
and cograts for hastjm :)


Thanks. I used the 2000 xp from the lvl 75 quest to pull ahead of Sir Rep., but 6 hours too late to pass Walle888.


Railroad's journey of conquest. Pick the Sheriff's bandit chasing option at the end.


Congrats to Hastjm and Sir Repesti for hanging in there to make level 99 !!


congrat for victor kruger for reach level 99 and entered for our world 9 level 99 camp :(


And with Vic, our HoF is now full. :) No more new entrants there - can't believe how quickly we filled that thing.

Congrats to everyone hitting 99 between Repesti and Kruger. :p



Theres something sweet about being the last one onto the list.

Guess ill be doing a lot of this now too then:fisherman:


I'm number 1 on the list of those not in the HoF. :)
Always look on the bright side of life... cue musical whistle


congradulations!!!!!!! i probaly wouldnt want to be leval 99 becase then i couldnt play anymore!!!!!


Congrats to Vic Kruger for being the last one to enter The Hall of Fame. :up:


Hello old friends, congratulations everyone that stuck it out and are proud level 99s, still playing. I made it to lvl 94 before everything got a bit boring and I felt no need to continue. At one point (~10 months ago?) world 9 was the most epic world ever with hundreds of duals daily and immense amounts of flavor and character contributed by colorful individuals. Hopefully it has not lost its beauty and you all are still enjoying!


we are in fight and dont like leave game :D
after 2 hour 26 min later , we have fort battle for defence one of alliance fort ( odd fort ) this means w9 are alive :rolleyes: