P&P Smack Talk!

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Of course we didn't win every fight, that wasn't our objective.
You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. ;)

Yeah, I know .. just couldn't resist a quick "stir" ......

By the way, I think we need to start looking towards those FoM guys soon, as no doubt their two allied towns nearby will soon turn into 500 allied towns all screaming and crying that if you touch one of their workers you will have 4000000000 duellers coming after you ....

... now, I am not suggesting an alliance of any sort, just a suggestion that there are other more viable targets appearing on the horizon.
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id be down with taking a break and Kicking FOM into the next sector


Thanks guys but I'm an old fart that has no idea what I'm doing,Just having some fun with my friends here @ SS,and I look around I have many friends even a few in thp what's the deal with this fom towns I've heard of them but never dueled any in w-1-w6 and here.


Infiniti, FoM are one of those alliances that tries to spread all over the maps with "Don't attack this ... don't duel that .... waah waah" and have every single town tied in.

Let them have the other worlds, I don't want them on 11 taking over like the Borg ....


another alliance group would be TPF "The Phoenix Family" but don't KO them yet! They have been kind enough to help me expand my wardrobe through a generous donation policy. Not to mention a few of their towns have the fun quotes:

"Retired The West top players came back to have some nasty fun."

"We keep attack logs, that we share with the town and our federation, You have been warned if you attacks us we will get you back one way or another."

Good times


oh, they do sound like a good time. i wonder if i can get my name on one of them logs ;)


Shearenz, I reckon we should all aim at FoM for a bit, man ... not make an alliance with THP, but just go and pester those good ole boys for a bit ... after all, they already have 2 towns up and running in world 11 ... let's go and ko a few of them to make them regret it. ;)


lol thp have 2 towns already to and they are alot closer and more fun lol

just because they withdrew the thp from firing squad its common knowledge its an alliance lol


Maybe so, shearenz, but we all know that FoM have but one intention in all the worlds ... spread out and ally as many towns under their banner as possible.

Until I hear that they are not doing that on world 11, I am going to assume that their intention is the same as ever ... make the west one great big cuddle-huggyville.



I think I'll stick to sparring with THP

how the heck did this thread turn into SS and The Humbled Party VS FOM?

THP and SS are suppose to hate one another , remember?

We built next to one another for a reason.... total carnage

you all are getting way to soft , and for that...I hate you all , yes even my town members. :razz:

Mork , I'd take this love fest to the next level and ask you to invite me , but , apparently that's againt the rules around here. Therefore , I am going to stick to the light hearted name calling and bashing...you NOOB
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I'll add hypocracy to shearn's long list of character defects. Our "alliance" seems to be remarkably similar to his "alliance" with the Fearless Fighters.
I'm also not sure what he means by "withdrawing THP from The Firing Squad", but I've never claimed to be able to follow his train of thought.

As to hatred? Really? Over a computer game? Please. Some of your members are clearly children, I'm not going to hate someone over a tantrum on the internet.
You followed us here, built next to us, and have clearly made it your life goal to try and annoy us. Any hint of anything other than animosity is brushed aside.

Oh well, we can at least go play with other people for 48 hour streches while you're sleeping it off. ;)


I'll add hypocracy to shearn's long list of character defects. Our "alliance" seems to be remarkably similar to his "alliance" with the Fearless Fighters.
I'm also not sure what he means by "withdrawing THP from The Firing Squad", but I've never claimed to be able to follow his train of thought.

As to hatred? Really? Over a computer game? Please. Some of your members are clearly children, I'm not going to hate someone over a tantrum on the internet.
You followed us here, built next to us, and have clearly made it your life goal to try and annoy us. Any hint of anything other than animosity is brushed aside.

Oh well, we can at least go play with other people for 48 hour streches while you're sleeping it off. ;)

OK , Soooo maybe I don't HATE you as you just clearly explained that makes me a horrible person.

I don't wish anything negative to you in real life.

However , when you turn your PC on in the morning , log onto the west and start making your way to SS to farm our builders I hope your cat knocks your coffee on to your keyboard.... and you ' accidently ' make a second account and get banned


damn i wish shearenz would stop hangin around our saloon, he is scaring the locals. i managed to snap a pic of him the last time i saw him.


not gonna win many duels dressed like that shearenz


yeah well the ladies of thp enjoyed my stay lol but umm i think i walked in on something i shouldn't have lol sooooooooo whats this the general of the hunting party's dueling raids uniform or do you indulge in extra curricular activity's while you THINK we are all asleep lol


hmm you suit the boots but i think the dress is just too much lol even for you lol
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