Paint artwork showoff!!!


It's very easy to use the bucket fill in Paint. I used it for the background and a large part of the body on my picture.


"Sorry" and "but" should never be placed in the same sentence, if sincerity is the goal.

As Elmyr indicated, I have no reason to cheat, or lie for that matter.

This is: Bucket Fill (all colors, fill all areas/overlaps different colors) ---

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Bill..there i such thing as bucket fill in paint (even MSword have fill) and ive used tat when im tripping..

(i will make an entry later ^^)


i think hellstrom made a stack of circles and start filling colors. . . .as for te spike... i dunno :p


Hehe, I first made a circle within a circle, then I used the polygon tool (red) to make the spike effect, never completing the polygon so i could just go on and on around the circle.. I then used the bucket tool (fill with color - yellow), then a non-fill circle and a larger non-fill oval, then some more fills, then recolored the non-fill circle so the edge would disappear.

nice angel Angela.


Hehe, I first made a circle within a circle, then I used the polygon tool (red) to make the spike effect, never completing the polygon so i could just go on and on around the circle.. I then used the bucket tool (fill with color - yellow), then a non-fill circle and a larger non-fill oval, then some more fills, then recolored the non-fill circle so the edge would disappear.

nice angel Angela.

thanks. . .made it while eating earlier...and reading posts here :p


okay, last one out of me. Not entirely original, based on some art I have.

Only Paint:


Paint + Photobucket:



What a joke!!! I stated above that it must be original creation. No copying allowed. Just look at the previous arts, they were made in original creativeness. Clearly it cannot be done in Paint like that.