W11 Town & Player Awards


ya know i don't know why peeps are so rude bout towns in raw deal we acknowledge that the legion is a great town with some really good duelers like suicide soldiers as well we dont just talk smack about towns cos they an beat some of our duelers all seems a bit silly at the end of the day why wouldn't you want your town known for having good duelers regardless of levels. I don't think any one towns holds ALL the best duelers in it obviously raw deal is a pure dueling town so yes that makes us stand out a bit but we don't claim to have the only decent duelers on the world there and we dont bag every town that has someone in it who can beat us


Errr... Levelling, is a good thing, you should try it sometime. I would classify it as a skill, cowardly duelists keep their level low, to avoid being dueled.
matr75 is a level higher than I am and a premium soldier, I do not get the tactics/health bonus he does. Beat him hands down. Likewise the way, who is ranked in duels, again a premium soldier a solitary level lower than myself.

Has any player in RAW DEAL actually dueled someone who is ranked in dueling? kiwigirl has attacked me twice and lost both times.. She's about as brave as that town gets. Manfromsnowyriver dueled me shortly after a Fort battle when I was in fort battle gear and lost.

Every time someone comes to Legion from one of "the best dueling towns" and doesn't duel me, Sara, Peter, or Jesse they prove my point. We have the best duelers. It's not our fault no one has the guts to try us out. It's not about how many builders you can beat on, IT'S ABOUT BEING THE BEST DUELERS. This is not a numbers game. It has nothing to do with mort stats. It is about being able to beat everyone in a town. Legion has a few who can do that, no one else does, period. So look at mort stats, duel builders, and stay in your world of denial. Bottom line is that if you can't beat all of us you are just fighting for second place.
This this all that needs to be said.

Bald Kirk & Blak Max, join a town and get within my range then we'll tango.

lawl, you even check your mortician stats? The Legion is NOT the best duel town.

I swear if there were more people to duel we'd be walking it! We're out of range of 0% cowards and everyone sleeps for an eternity when we arrive. Something you cannot accuse us of doing. And it is against Legion policy to duel workers, something that cannot be said of RAW DEAL!
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well i am slowly levelling and yes you can beat me but that is with you being 30 lvls higher than me so will see how we tango once i lvl up. lumpyass took me on and lost, peter ko'ed me so its all good fun :blink: it's funny how the legion which has some fab players whinge more, bag other players and blow their own trumpet more thanks to a few peeps like you miss s quite disappointing really as I think it just negates the overall caliber of players in the legion personally if raw deal closed shop i would feel privileged to join suicide soldiers or the legion due to the majority of the players who dont cry, whinge, run other players down :unsure:


Not all of us are.Miss Sara you should learn to talk more like the lady you are.


I've been out shopping away from my home town of Legion for over 2 days now and am missing the chat to the point where I'm calling this trip short just to get back.

Biased opinion for sure, but it's this kind of thing that makes a town great and will keep it growing stronger.

If you don't miss your town when you're away from it, you're not #1 for a reason.



Oh I Agree that town chat is fab but then I am a female so i like chat all round lol


kiwigirl to her credit tried to duel me today, but I was Milking my Dinosix cow and couldn't be disturbed. I did offer to arrange a time for a duel, but she had to go to bed.

Thank's Dino, I'll take 1150 duel XP for 6 hours in your town :p

Never claimed to be something I'm not infiniti, a lady. I'm a girl, or maybe a woman.. What's the cut off point for calling yourself a girl?

kingjamesg I like causing trouble, just ask Lumpy. Just don't do it much on World 1 anymore, I lead a fairly pointless existance there TBH. Selling Guns to Indians, Mercenary Work, Ambush the Stagecoach, Serving in the Army, Charlatan, Sleep. Get up, repeat infidium! I get bored and Grave Rob sometimes.

Welcome back PJ.


yah i dont work much there just duel, trying to catch mashdk, i dont like a resistance dueler being number one but it has been that way for ever


Patience... 1.29 is coming. Let them raise their duel level... 688 XP yummy..

Shows how active I've been.. Some Meistas player is worth 457 XP, I was eating all their townfolks for that combined 3/4 months ago.


i still get 500 plus xp for my wins on him lol. i do need money also so i may slow down a bit but i doubt it


Did someone mention my name? Maybe it was flatulence I heard.

I would like to take a moment to apologize to all of my adoring fans. I know you have missed me terribly and the feeling is mutual.

I will soon be back in a town full time and look forward to slugging it out with the old familiar faces.

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:laugh:yeah welcome back was feeling a bit abandoned i even slept for 24 hours solid out of sheer boredom suggest you me and infinity tango somewhere :)


Worst Fort Attacker: Sudden Valley
Best Fort Defender: Sudden Valley


The West Team
Forum moderator
Legion is the best They have the best allies and the best enemies. They're number 1 ranked town and everyone knows them.

As or worst fort defence and attack thats debatable. the confeds would have a close run with that reputation
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This is dumb, no need for further replies...

Best overall town: The Legion
Best Dueling town: The Legion
Best Fort fighting town: The Legion

Best Town Leader: Kayakpaddler/Lumpyass/Pyjamas
Best Builder: bronkobob (easy look at the skill construction in the rankings)
Best Ranged Dueler: Peter008 or Jesse Rawlins... I suspect. Best one I've come across is midenistis
Best Melee Dueler: rossi529 & kiwigirl are far from idiots. It certainly isn't either, ImTealc or berseck despite their rank. I imagine Taras Bulba would be a hard nut to crack since he has Hernando's
Best Fort General: Kayakpaddler
Best Fort Attacker: Kayakpaddler
Best Fort Defender: Kayakpaddler
Best Forum Personality: No idea, this place is full of idiots and moderated by people who hate me.
Worst Forum Personality: No idea, this place is full of idiots and moderated by people who hate me.

bronkobob? never heard of him/her and certainly didn't see him with the highest construction skill. I guess he/she is a has been as of May 28th 2010

Best Builder: Lums takes the lead with a Construction skill of 368

Worst Forum Personality: Miss Sarajevo (she said good bye to all and still we see her all the time on forum :S)

Have to agree with Razz... on Worst Forum Personality

Best Forum Personality: Elmyr, IMHO, as his guides and posts have helped me plenty.
Worst Forum Personality: Miss Sarajevo, IMHO seems she has tonnes of smack to talk.