Corporal of the Fort

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My NEW fort!


God dies and i get his job (lucky me) i then make hundreds of hills and put equal identical forts on them all for us all to live in

everyones fort :D


Since Im evil, I use my magic powers to make you all my mindless zombie or skeletons slaves!!!!! My fort......s!!!!


I become god again and see I have done wrong so I banish James from the fort and make it Everybody's Bandit Ville!


i just help the bandit's ville a better place... still the bandit ville


I wish to apply for "Town Mortician", because any moment now, someone's gonna roll into Bandit Ville, and kill everyone. And then buisness will be boomin :D


then all of a sudden a HUGE comet comes and hits the earth completly destroying it. the aliens come and build a space fort and appiont the leader of its defense. i have also hired Darth Vader and Stormtroopers to help defend my space fort with the aliens.



I kill the next person who says "My fort" thus making the fort myne. :p


I take my houwitzer and bang the fort for 1 week. After it's totally crumbled I give it to Angel. And angels can't die so it's her fort for eternity :p


I go up to heaven and file a divorce from the Angel. I get the fort. :p


David can not stop Lmaonade though the god of the lemons so I squeeze so many lemons it makes a flood which kill you and your men. I then rebuild the fort naming Bandit Ville and a Lemon sign as a town flag. MY FORT :p


I shoot you and take your fort and put up an invisible flag named bob and I nuke the world and destroy everything except myself. No more fort :'(


Wrong, you think you killed me but I only went to the heavens since I am god and I restore everything when the nuke is over then I strike you with lightning to hell and rebuild my fort naming it Bandit Ville Heaven and I put up my lemon sign.


i summoned a great tide and it flows throughout te ville...

"poor ville", i said...

now it was a blue site from up here..

bluer than the sky is tis new land...i mean Fort Oceana^^


:pwtf angels do not have the power to ressurect people.[only Jesus]
Heaven decides you are acting like lucifer and this time destroys you ultimatiely.
Without the angel, james the hunter quickly falls ill and dies.
I rig his fort with tnt and blow it sky high, then rig it again and run away, then fill the area with beaver traps and sit in a cell inside with mah TNT

my fort-and angelailah is stuck without any wings nor power no more-she's dead and heaven will not save her now........


Wrong, you think you killed me but I only went to the heavens since I am god and I restore everything when the nuke is over then I strike you with lightning to hell and rebuild my fort naming it Bandit Ville Heaven and I put up my lemon sign.

God himself decides that you are too proud-you die just like ananias and saphira[look it up]:eek:hmy:

Still my fort and L-Ade isstuck in hell forever-no way of getting out onto this forum since he used god powers=not allowed:p


-= a feather fall from nowhere and landed on farlane's fort...

it grew into a lil bright (as in like a light you know..) girl that no one could ever look at it...or they'll be blind forever...

as farlane dun believe on things like that ... he challenge his self and so..he got blind by his own foolishness...

-its A N G E L A I A H....ok..and find a piece of the hunter...

tho its still farlane's fort...


God himself decides that you are too proud-you die just like ananias and saphira[look it up]:eek:hmy:

Still my fort and L-Ade isstuck in hell forever-no way of getting out onto this forum since he used god powers=not allowed:p

And the thread maker said
"I am not sure if this has been come up with before. If it has been, I apologise.
This is a variation of "King of the Hill" in which you can only take over the fort with things that could be found in the old west. Stampeding mustangs, indian attacks, dynamite, rabid sheep, you name it =)

I build a fort and garrison it with a regiment of soldiers. MY FORT :D"
That means supernatural things can happen in the West so the devil gives me power because he doesn't like you :p so I escape from hell and get dead bandits and we kill you and make it BANDIT VILLE MY FORT!


I kill the devil and take over hell and send all the demons to take over the fort for me. MY FORT.


I become the magical entity of DEATH and end your life with magic powers, sending u to the abyss of no return where nothing besides u lives and no way 2 get out!!!!! like a recycling bin on ur comp except only the user (me) can take u out!!!!! MY FORT
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