What town do you think is the best dueling town is world 11?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser16628
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I'd probable do pretty well against any of those thousand wins boys.


How did you do against me, Infiniti? JK? mbrown? No matter, at least you guys stay awake for more than ten minutes. I KNOW no one from Alcatraz will stay awake long enough to be dueled, that town and its players are a sad joke.



I did not fare well against you my friend. However, the levels were not even close! It is difficult to make up for 70+ sp! I have some work to do to try to even that up! Can you completely stop working for about a month and we can try it again :)


No joke Lumpy. You come to town and it is like taking suckers from a baby. You are 20 levels higher and kicking our butts. At least we dont run and hide though. I will take a butt whoopin before I hide. :laugh:


How did you do against me, Infiniti? JK? mbrown? No matter, at least you guys stay awake for more than ten minutes. I KNOW no one from Alcatraz will stay awake long enough to be dueled, that town and its players are a sad joke.

Now your showing your ignorance lumpyass, I would duel you, even if you are 27 levels higher than me, I ain't scared of you or your extra 27 AP's and 81 SP's! :razz:

BTW, expressing your opinion of us and our town cut deep, it hurt so bad, because we are really trying soooo desperately hard to impress everyone here in cyber-land! :rolleyes:


Oh I do find it amusing when 0 motivation guys blame levels ....when they manipulate levels themselves to keep in contact with the easy prey ....God loves a hypocrite (sic)


not complaining--stating a fact. 24 levels means over 3x the sp available. As you read in lumpy's post, neither brown nor I dodged him. So, I hear what you are saying, but it does not apply in this situation--no matter how much you might want it to. I don't complain about getting dueled. I duel--that's what I do. Some days better than others.


Well there is a real easy way to decide this.

Anyone what calls them self or wants to call them self a top dueller doesn't mind being duelled.
A simple list of the morgs of them towns will show who the strongest fighters are.

So the solution is simple, compile a list of the duellers on the morgs from the so called duelling towns and post them up. Those that welcome the challenge should set there sights for the players on that list.

This will not only show who the strongest are, but show the ones that bash builders to get there name on the morg......*puts hand up, I do this at the bulls town*
Defensive guys just sit and wait, were offensive go out and play.

In about 2-3 weeks I should be converted and when I have my brown boots ill be living at the bulls town. Just sitting back and relaxing and not levelling at any speed.
Not just picking on the builders that give me 800 and in one case 6000. But our town dose love the oil field by your town. Quick look at that shows whos packing cash.
But ill be hunting for the the duellers as well.
As some of your duellers just experienced. But put to a sharp stop by blue.....Will see how good he is at defence when he gets his ass out of bed


Oh Yoda

You are just mad because I stole a player from you. Keep in mind that telegrams from GB to BB members asking them to defect has been going on for a LONG time. I never thought that she would come here, but it does make sense as a fort battler might want to actually have some forts :blink:

Either way, you are right about the dueling post though. As for you camping our town, you know that I am always up for a fight, so fire away bro! I'll just try to stay on top of that problem by living in GB again. I have been too preoccupied with other things, but you have my full attention now! :p


Top Dueler

How did you do against me, Infiniti? JK? mbrown? No matter, at least you guys stay awake for more than ten minutes. I KNOW no one from Alcatraz will stay awake long enough to be dueled, that town and its players are a sad joke.

You guys keep slandering myself and some of my town's members. We enjoy being outlaws, we don't strive to be a top dueler. I want to steal from the weak. If I could rob your town's bank, I would. When a bounty is set on my head and someone comes after me, I run like any other criminal. Everyone should be thanking me because if it wasn't for people like me, locksmiths wouldn't have a career.

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If anyone wants to duel me feel free. If you want to make sure I'm awake when you stop by, send me a teli and I'll try to find a time to be awake some time when you play. I don't think I'm an amazing dueler, but I think I have a pretty decent build. Would be nice to test it out more than is happening currently.



I KNOW no one from Alcatraz will stay awake long enough to be dueled, that town and its players are a sad joke.

How is it slandering if you are admitting to it?:blink:

Slander, as in saying we are a sad joke of a town and players. Creepy never admitted to that statement! :razz:

We just play the game differently, just out of the 'norm' how most play, so when we don't fall within the expectations and views of others, we are considered, cowards, losers and as in this case, a sad joke. :rolleyes:

Shouldn't the last portion of the original comment from lumpyass be a P&P thread anyway???? :blink:

Looking forward to meeting up with most of you who I can duel here shortly!....Even you lumpyass!....lol


Let me rephrase - some of my town members like to be considered strong and are not afraid to attack anyone. To say our whole town is a joke, is a slander. There are strong duelers that are not afraid which has even been mentioned in this thread earlier:

Now we are talking alcatraz now if memory serves me that's a small town under 12 players and I think they have wompom and doc barker who are both strong duelers.....

Now if you want to say I'm a sad joke, that is fine. Just remember though, if it wasn't for people like me, locksmiths, and police would be out of jobs ... I'm actually doing my part in serving the community by giving careers to others.


Slander in a browser based game? Give me a break. None of you hotel-dwellers in Alcatraz will be coming to see me any time soon, don't kid yourselves. Like I said, a bunch of sad jokes.

As for my level, I have 80+ points on leadership so saying I have a skill point advantage in duels is simply not true. In truth I had less points on dueling skills than anyone I dueled so find another excuse boys.



You and I both know two things:

1. If you were at my level, you would never have attacked me.

2. If you were at my level, you never would have beat me.

So, please don't act like your level was not a factor--be real bro.:rolleyes:


Don't hate the truth man! I've got enough points left in leadership to make up for our level difference, and I still won even when you attacked me in trapping gear. (bold move by the way /sarc)

Anyway, how could the best towns, with the most players, with the best duelers, and best leadership lose its large fort today? Ponder that while you plot your upcoming multiple fort attack.


we were not the best town today--that is for sure. As for the duel, I still maintain that the difference in AP/SP is far too great to overcome--but I tried :D


Active Member
Just to let those that need to know that it is great to belong to a town (Alcatraz) with a theme and a set purpose in this game NONE of us moan when we are attacked and love to duel for our supper win or lose all the same to me. Opps! WIN is better!


You are just mad because I stole a player from you. Keep in mind that telegrams from GB to BB members asking them to defect has been going on for a LONG time. I never thought that she would come here, but it does make sense as a fort battler might want to actually have some forts :blink:

Either way, you are right about the dueling post though. As for you camping our town, you know that I am always up for a fight, so fire away bro! I'll just try to stay on top of that problem by living in GB again. I have been too preoccupied with other things, but you have my full attention now! :p

I've never been asked to defect :sad: